Risk Strategies Company
Risk Strategies Company


Credit Union Insurance - Risk Strategies Company


Credit Union Health and Work Comp Insurance Info Blog

Your source for innovative information on protecting the health and safety of your Credit Union employees. www.creditunionins.blogspot.com

Kaiser Family Foundation Fast Facts

A great resource on a wide variety of Healthcare industry topics. www.facts.kff.org/

United States Department of Labor- Health Plans and Benefits

Information on their rights under the federal health benefits law with respect to their job-based plans. The information ranges from general information on the law to numerous specific issues. www.dol.gov/dol/topic/health-plans/consumerinfhealth

United States Department of Labor- Health Plans and Benefits

Very useful information for the HR professional on a wide variety of employee benefit plan issues. www.ebri.org

OSHA Estimated Costs of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses and Estimated Impact on a Company's Profitability

This program estimates the cost impact of Workers’ Compensation injuries by factoring in direct and indirect costs of claims. www.osha.gov/dcsp/smallbusiness/safetypays/estimator


Safety and Health training and instruction requirements for California employers. www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/dosh_publications/trainingreq

Workers’ Compensation Best Practices

Tips, tools, and practices that will help you to manage your workers compensation program from Lynch Ryan. Lynch Ryan is a management consulting firm specializing in workers' compensation cost controls. www.lynchryan.com/resources/best_practices